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Cong c? Page Optimizer Pro t?i uu bai vi?t chu?n Google NLP, EEAT, LSIc?a "Auto Lighting Optimizer"(Canon) va "Active D-Lighting" (c?a Nikon) la s? thay d?i v? "exposure" (co ngu?i con g?i la "t? d?ng t?i uu hoa v?. Optimizer (GEO). ?? GEO la ai? Do la ngu?i d?m b?o n?i dung c?a b?n du?c s? d?ng b?i cac h? th?ng AI d? t?o ra nh?ng cau tr? l?i t?t nh?t. H?c sau la gi? H?c sau la m?t t?p h?p con c?a h?c may s? d?ng m?ng no-ron co nhi?u l?p (m?ng no-ron sau) d? phan tich nhi?u y?u t? d? li?u khac nhau. Truy?n.